Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Me doing work.

Screen shots of progress.

Screen Shots of Doing Work

First Attempt on magazine.

Sunday, 18 December 2011

Preliminary Activity:Print.

What you're doing?
                              Preliminary excersice: Using DTP and an image manipulation programme, produce to front page of a new school/college magazine, featuring a photograph of a student in a medium, close up plus some approximately laid out text and a masthead. Additionally candidates must produce a DTP mock-up if the layout of the contents page to demonstrate their grasp of the programme.

Rule of Thirds and Golden Spiral.
Rule of thirds--> Affects the 1:1.618  ratio. When laying out a magazine, you spilt the picture into 3 lines to take the body in the middle and little on top.
Golden Triangle--> Diagonal lines. 3 triangles with corresponding shape. 3 subjects approximately equal size.
Golden Sprial--> Something leading to the eye to the centre of the competition. A line of subjects.

Photography Rules.
1. Hold the camera nice and close- Tuck in your arms to get that steadiness.
2. Make sure the shutter is greater than 60.
3. Eyes and Face are most important on the photo.
4. Don't shine light in the persons face because they will squint.
5. Put the flash high to prevent it from looking flat.
6. If you are taking a picture of a male then harsher lighting is needed.

9 Key words=
Research- look at real examples. keep evidence of all your research, all angles. Conventions, audiences. KEEP RESEARCHING.
Planning- need photos of you planning. What could go wrong. Record planning. Show process of your journey.
Evidence- Story boards, animatics. Flat plans of all your original images. Screengrabs.
Ideas- Simple. Workable concept with realistic plans. Try the '25' word pitch for your magazine.
Feedback- Ask everyone. Don't ignore anyone. Records of feedback.
Logistics- Costumes. Good, nice clothes. Get it done early. Leave time for improvement. 
Equipment- Practice photoshop. Its supposed to be fun :). Got everything?
Production- More than you need 30-60 shots. Write about all poses, wrong and right. Edit in post production. 
Reflection- All comments at every stage. Teacher advice. Stand back and take a look at what you made.