Wednesday 22 February 2012

FeedBack For Magazine.

Luke Niblett looked at my magazine and gave me some feedback that helps me understand the current level I am working at. He started with the bad points and told me the title on my contents page is too big and doesn't like the way it splits in 2. I used a plain grey background on all my pages as it was the colour scheme I am going for but he said it would need to be made a bit more better and more on it. Obviously, I don't know Jay Z or Chris Brown so I didn't take the photos myself and this was another bad point he mentioned. Other than that he told me the layout of my magazine looked good and professional, even though I didn't use a F or Z model. He said the language of my magazine suited the genre of it and gave me a high mark for this. The photos I used on my pages were good sizes and suited the pages they were on; this allowed them to be clear to look at as well. He did mention that I didn't use photoshop but it did take me a very long time to crop out those pictures so maybe because he didn't realise that's what I did, my cropping must have been amazing!

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