Wednesday 29 February 2012

Feedback from teachers.

My feedback was no where near as good as i hoped it would be but it gave me a clear idea on what needed to be done and how i can make it look more professional.
The feedback started of with photos taken and as you can see from my mock ups, i just used images from the internet that linked to my genre and context of my magazine. For this reason I did not score any marks on these points and the main objective from this was just that i need to take my pictures. I was also told that the background colour of my magazine was way to plain and it needed something more to it, make it look more glossy and stand out better. As i am aiming for the top end market with it being quite expensive, i need to make it look more clearer and better. In addition, the fonts i have chosen on the cover do not stand out how they should. It is too flat and bland, so i have to find another font which looks more professional. The double page spread article does not match the genre of my artist as he is american and i added an english tone to it by using words that are not used in america like the word 'piss'. Finally, the colours on the contents page dont mix in with the colour pallette i used.

From this feedback i have learnt what is wrong with my magazine and have identified the mistakes i made. After i got the feedback, i looked at my magazine and noticed the faults much better and saw what i needed to do. The feedback was very helpful and i have already started making many changes to my magazine.

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